broken into a million peices

I know I hurt you,
But I didn’t mean to.
Please believe me, I really do love you
And need you in my life,
Because without you I can’t live.
You’ll never forgive me or take me back.
I guess if that’s what you want and makes you happy,
I can’t stop that, but I wish I could.
Does this even hurt you?
Do you have second thoughts?
Would you take me back?
Because without you I’m like a broken record
Playing the same thing over and over again.
I keep reliving the moment you left me.
It was so hard to see the one I love leave me.
I haven’t felt so much love for anyone like this before
And now I don’t even get to see if it gets good.
I had to be stupid and go out and hurt you.
Over and over u hoped for a new beginning
But I must have really hurt you bad because
I don’t see you coming around anytime soon.
I had my chance and lost it,
You probably found another girl,
Someone better, who knows how to treat you right.