Battle of the Heart

Why when there's love there's always hate
like two brothers at war for what they can't take?
one to preserve and one to raze
one who goes and one who stays
fire and water fighting for domain
how is it any of us stay sane?
and yet sometimes work side by side
in this world of changing tide
cool and calculating with plans to stage
strong and furious in waves of rage
which is better? which is worse?
which one will my heart rehearse?
who will heal me? save my life?
keep my mind off inner strife?
it's obvious to me just who is who
and for that reason I choose you
hate will push and love will pull
when I'm around you my heart is full
my inner peace, my chosen calm
the touch of your skin against my palm
lets me know that I'm alive
and in this war I will survive