To All You Haters

To all you haters,
I don't give a shit,
Hate me all you want,
And please don't ever quit!
My fun has just begun,
hearing the nasty things you say,
You're just jealous,
becasue you have nothing,
and we have it all,
so stop,
and think,
"hey, wait a second,
"maybe I'm just doing this to get a little attention?"
Well yes you are,
and if you don't notice it now,
grow up,
wake up,
and fuck off,
Becasue this world is best without you,
pissing ever one off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, I had gotten a message from someone, and it ticked me off, so I wrote this, hoped you enjoyed, and maybe leave a comment or two??

Cammy <3