Chaos in the Making

I felt the soft warmth of your body
The war between our lips continued
MY heart felt like it was gonna explode
I could practicly feel the emotions build inside of me
Heart beat jumping eraticly
My blood boiling
this is chaos in the making
our sweet young love
how much we fall for one another
The amount of thoughts of you
the motion of the world stopping
to let this one heaven be in our reach
an atomic bomb of lust and love for you
it explodes into a million shock waves
making their way into my heart
it jumps, i gasp
your lips so soft and inviting
i'm telling you this feeling is everything
whispers of forever echo in my head
i know we'll be always
because you whisper the sweetest things
i don't want to let you go
for fear of losing you
but i know this ain't no dream
because i pinched myself
knowing my love for you is indefinite
makes me pull you closer
your kisses are sweeter than before
makin me soar toward the heaven above
our love is chaos in the making
so sweet and young
chaos in the making...
love is our chaos in the making