When You Forced Yourself Upon Me -

When you forced yourself upon me,
Touching me in every way,
I was scared and didn’t understand,
That you were only thinking of yourself today,
Not caring how I felt,
Or what I believed,
You forced me under water,
So that I couldn’t breathe,
Then you started touching me,
Where ever your hands pleased…
I struggled and screamed,
But you wouldn’t release,
Struggling and kicking,
But to you,
it’s addicting…
Water now filling my mouth,
And filing my lungs,
Set my mind on over drive,
Why were you doing this?
And why to me?
Can’t you find some other way to set your feelings free…?
My body feels exposed and wrong,
As you play with me forcefully,
I can’t breathe and you’ve had your fun,
Can’t you just be done…?
Now surfacing above the water,
Still in your grasp,
I cough and I choke,
Sweet air fills my lungs,
But you still stoke,
As you set me free,
From you grasp,
You laugh and chuckle,
As you place your hand on my huckle,
Ripping free,
With my last strength,
I get out of the pool of shame,
I bend over and cough up water,
Gagging and choking,
And to think,
One day you might have a daughter,
What would she say,
If she saw what you’ve done?
Would she even give you the time of day…?
As you laugh at me,
I feel ashamed,
Thinking of how much,
I just wanna be free,
Won’t someone come rescue me?
Coming near,
You pull me close,
I push away,
I’m done with my dose,
I slap you as hard as I can,
But my weak arm,
Is how you pull me in,
With the last strength I have I pull away,
And use my weak legs to run far, today…
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, this really happened to me. and yes I told someone. but not for a loong time. I made this to expain what I went through and more importantly to make other people aware of other victims out there that need someone to talk to. I feel for you if you are a victim like me.