Joshy, take me home.

Can't you hear me screaming out to you?
Joshy, baby take me home.
You're the only man who knows everything about me.
You've always been there, through everything.

You were there that horrible night when I was eight.
You were there when I had that first kiss.
You were there when she left me.
You were there when she took me back.

Please, just take me home.
Take me away from all of this,
is so crazy and far from bliss.
Yeah I know I'm in love,
I know what'll happen if I go.

It's just that it's hard to be here,
It's hard to be a "big girl" all the time.
I hate that no one takes me seriously,
but you do brother.
So please, can't you hear me begging baby please,
just take me home with you.

Take me to where it's easy for me to walk around.
To where Everyone understands,
where I won't be in pain anymore.
Take me to a place where I can watch over them.
Take me home, to a place where I see you everyday.

I want to go see you when I need you,
instead of waiting for you to come to me.
I want to see you everyday.
When I'm down at my worst,
and when I'm way up at my best.

Josh, take me home with you,
but not tonight,
and not tomorrow.
Take me when my work is done.
Take me when I'm no longer needed here.
I know I'm needed,
I know I still have work to do.
I've made promises.

Dearest Joshuah,
take me home.
Not today,
not tomorrow.
Take me home when my work is done.