Still No Reply

I don't need you to reply.
I don't even want you to.
I'll be absolutely fine if you don't.
Infact I'll be better if you don't...

Who am I kidding?
Why haven't you replyed yet?
I've spent the last 20 minutes just staring at the screen,
and nothings happened.
Why hasn't anything happened?

I did send it, right?
Of course I sent it.
I've already checked 17 times,
thats your lucky number...

Your not replying becuase you think I'm mad.
that must be it.
What else would it be?
But what I sent wasn't that bad.
Well, I didn't think so anyway.
Not enough to drive you away at least.

30 minutes.
Still nothing.

Whats the matter?
What did I say to make you run away like this?
I know I sounded needy.
Thats because I need you more than ever right now.

And you're not speaking to me.
And it's driving me crazy.
But I guess you don't know this.
Was it not obvious?

I can't stand this much longer.
Why won't you just reply?


I'm begging you.
You know I don't beg.

45 mnutes.
An hour.
An hour and a half.
Still nothing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Pretty much straight after I wrote this, he called me up and talked to me for like half an hour, because he didn't want me to be lonely.
Dontcha just love people like that? ^//^

Damn my paranoia's bad...
