Life Invisible

Cast out, over the edge.

Born to be alone,

Destined for deprecation,

This is all I am.

I'm the invisible girl answering all of the questions,

I'm the brightest and boldest,

And the most ignored.

They run into me in the florescent hallways,

Spilling my books over the corridor floor,

And just walk by, not even noticing that I need help,

Not even a wink of remorse in blue eyes.

Late to class without a slip, not even a glance passes me by.

The one person who notices can't even bother to say:


Because they're too wrapped up in their own sorrow,

To give a care past pity.

Is this high school?

Is this the worst experience of my life, ignored to the point of insanity?

Ignorance is bliss, is it not?

Not when the beautiful rose is passed by for a wilted violet,

Not when I need the attention to atone for my invisibility, my disability;

Not when the ignored have easy access to double-edged razorblades.

Is that how to get attention?

Blood on the bathroom floor?

Is it worth it?

Is life worth it?