Chaotic Lullaby

Call me crazy
Call me a stupid selfish annoying whore
I don't mind
I'm too depressed to care
And I honestly don't have the time..

But I'm starting to think that things are just gettig worse
For me, for you. It hurts to much to think.
Maybe we've traded places.
Because now I never sleep.

You're strong.
Very inspiring
I never knew how hard it was
To watch the other person fall asleep
And sit alone
Doing fucking nothing
Hoping you'd wake up..
I get it.
It's what I deserve
And I yelled at you?
To stop complaining you were tired?
How could I.
Because now you've changed your habits 
And I honestly don't like it
I don't.
Even though it's good for you..
You say you don't even think about me when you go to sleep?
Do you think of me at all...!?
When I can't sleep because your on my mind
I'm dead tired
And I can't pass the time
I feel like an idiot
And I'm obsessed
But never will I share my feelings
I'm getting ready to never talk again.
Because when I do.
I fucking hurt you.
And that makes me cry.
The most.

I'm sorry.
But I warned you.
I'm not your average girl
And I'm sorry for taking your time
I'll leave and you won't have to mess with me again
So you can sleep... All you want. x_x