Poem of Feeling

I am the Beast in all your nightmares
I am the Shining Knight in all your dreams
I am the fear you will never admit
I am the joy that you will always miss
I am the hate you feel inside you
I am the love you give to all
I am the sadness that makes your tears
I am the hope that gives you strength
I am the servant you command
I am the master that you obey
I am the friend you always wanted
I am the enemy you always had
I am the light that goes before you
I am the shadow that falls behind
I am the heart that beats forever
I am the soul that never dies
I am the Death that always plagues you
I am the Life you live abundantly
I am truth you don't want to hear
I am the lies you tell yourself
I am the smile you show at day
I am the tears you cry at night
I am the passion that gives you purpose
But most of all I AM YOURS