To Come Back

The tires screamed and there was a cracking sound;
A lifeless body fell to the ground.
The tiny oak fell forward to embrace
The cement as the car hit its base.
Paramedics rushed to the car at the scene.
They tried to save the driver who was crushed in between.
But the girl had already gone to a place
Where no living soul could show its face.
As the doctors rushed around,
Their feet pressed the tree’s seed into the ground.
While man’s flesh shells will eventually rot,
The tree could do what they could not.
While the victim’s family had to cope with the hurt,
She grew and poked her head out of the dirt.
While the driver lived with the guilt and shame,
Closer to the sky, the tree’s branches came.
In the spring, she let out her leaves,
Silently laughing at mankind.