
The boy was the girls best friend.
They were never without one another.
One day the boy left the girl.
A week later she was found
and alone.
She died of a broken heart.
He found out,
and he explained to the girls parents why he left.
He was in Europe trying to find her a ring.
He wanted to marry her.
The girls ex broke into the house on the same day the boy left.
He threw away the note and wrote one that said,
"I'm leaving. You make me sick."
The original said,
"I'll be back in a week. When I get back I wanna ask you something.
I love you with my whole heart."
The girl smiled from heaven,
as the boy joined her the next day.
They lived happily EVER after.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's so dark. Bad day.