New Place To Be

Now I'm gone
But it's where I should be
Out of your lives
Out to to find a new me
I can't stand the person I used to be
I have to move on
I have to be gone
P.A. is the new place to be
Atleast for me
It's relaxing and calm
A place I can start all over
A place I don't have to hide; undercover
Away from the drama
If only for now
Away from the people I used to love
The ones that were no good
The ones who never loved me
Now that I'm here maybe I'll find some new people
Ones who maybe won't be so lethal
To my heart
And to my soul
Maybe I'll find someone to fill this big hole
Fill the gap
That over laps
The broken peices of my heart
This could be my new start
Gone away but not too far
Does it matter anyway?
I don't have a car
I won't be back to visit you anytime soon
If I come back at all