Do you remember when?

Do you remember the childhood days?
When the tiniest scratches seemed like
the death of you. When the silliest contraptions,
could keep you fascinated for hours. When a funny
face was enough to make me you giggle and giggle.
The days when you were the apple of mother and father's

Do you remember the fun you and your family used to have?
Do you remember the days when you felt so very brave?
Or how you could face such scary things but still got frightened
at the smallest and insignificant things. Do you remember the toys
you were given? The ones you would have accidentally
broken. The happy days of childhood.

Do you remember the first time you had a "joke" made at your expense?
It started out so funny, but then one day it just stopped being funny,
and it started to make you cry. Do you remember the way people
would shun you when you asked for help? This was learning where you
fitted in at school.

Do you remember your first kiss?
You were so nervous, whether you were the
one who kissed first or whether you were the one kissed.
The way when your lips finally met, it was like an electricity shot through your body
and time stops. Do you remember how it felt to hear them say
I love you?

These are the memories that made you who you are,
and there will be the people who will still be by your side
and they'll say "hey do you remember when" and the cycle of
memories will flow again, forever and always in your heart.
♠ ♠ ♠
I donno really why i wrote this The ending doesn't really make much sense, i just didn't really know how to end it. Hope you guys enjoy.