Let's Change

We are connected,
We are strong,
We can change,
But the damage is done,

We will suffer,
We will regret,
We will come together,
Or strength will let us forget,

The mistakes we’ve made,
The useless desires we’ve had,
The past we’ve made,
The days we’ve gone mad,

Let’s make the world a better place,
A better place to breathe from,
A better place to see to,
A better place to call home,

I’m calling out to all who care,
To all who want a future,
To all who see the damage,
To all who feel the pain,

Let’s change our ways,
Step by step,
Make up your minds,
See our world again,


We’re smart enough to know what’s right.
♠ ♠ ♠
A little something I whipped up while I was thinking of global warming! It's so pretty, isn't it?lol You're probably all like, "Are you insane?!" XD Sorry, just the way I am :)