Monster in the Mirror.

Monster Monster
in my eyes.
Destroy every fiber of being of mine.
Monster Monster
that's in my heart
won't you show your claws
just once?

And she kills
eating her hope one by one
as it sits
a distant shore
laying, mocking her
the color
Laughing Laughing Laughing
you're dying.

that's everywhere
(E. V. E. R. Y. W. H. E. R. E.)
are you screaming your lungs out?
(I hope you're screaming them raw.)

Belief and patience
hiding around the corners
playing hide and seek with her
love and comfort
Deep in the walls
you just have to want it enough
to have it break through
but she doesn't want to.
Only the sight of her skin
gives her some beauty to look forward to.

You watch while she falls to pieces
one, two, three, four
(Breathe, will you?)
her letter of red
written all over her face
and arms
there goes another earthquake she caused
hair glued to her face
unnatural pink tints
and it rained yesterday
The ocean of hope getting farther away.

why are you holding her captive?
I want you to open the gates
and let everyone see her.
Why won't you let them see me?