I'm Young and Reckless

I'm feeling young and reckless
but the ribbon on my wrist says
do not open before Christmas
but that seems so far away
and the ragging emotions
i have inside appeared to be
too much to hide
i need to slice
open my skin
and watch as the crimson stream
from my self-inflicted wound
taking with it my sorrows and pains
and some of my hopelessness
for tomorrow and today
i pull back my wristband
to cover my shame
and soon this will just be
a pain full reminder of my mistakes
from yesterday
♠ ♠ ♠
umm.. i guess i just suck at this... i mostly do it for fun... plus they're way to long.. oh well... they make me feel better. and yeah i do refrence some lyrics in here as i do in everything i write. so yeah