Blake, Why did you leave?

Blake, Your my brother and I love you but I just have one question:
Why did you leave?
I'm alone crying my eyes out pleading for you when I need you most, and when my heart hurts mentally and physically.
I want you here so badly that I, raise my voice, scream your name and call for you but you never will come.
I just cant let you go , its just too hard.
I wont back down, just because I'm fighting for you.
If I ever see God, I will ask him, Why he had taken you?
I demand an answer!
He took you away, from not only me, but our mother and everyone else who would have loved you.
I need you badly in the midst of my adolescence, the pain that was caused when you left is like a knife, that I dare not run through.
I need you badly and you will never come.
Ill pray for a change, and can only hope you get the prayer.

To Blake Austin Goff
with all the love in my heart, your loving sister, Catherine Elizabeth.
R.I.P. Blake We all love you