The Theft in the Sanity Bank

My mind is nearing explosion with all this thought
I must be crazy, or maybe not?
Am I really insane
Or are they just playing "The Man's" game

Is it me, or everyone else?
Our extreme differences make me fear for my mental health
It seems that I've lost my mind
And It's just so hard to find.

Alone, afraid, and without hope
In this wild, wild world
Out of my mind
In this out of it's mind world

In this world of madness
It seems that all I get is pain and sadness
Everyone is filling my head with lies
Now they will listen to my cries

I am completely lost
But I won't be bossed
Around by a bunch of fools
And I won't conform to what is "cool"
But if it's I who is as mad as a hatter
It's no matter
I don't want to be normal anyways