
You wake from your nightmare,
sweat falling from your face like
the pouring rain outside your window.
You look at your alarm its 2:30 in the morning.
You lay back down, the bed is wet from sweat,
your pillow wet from tears.

An hour goes by, sleep
still has not come, you accept
defeat get up and get a drink.
Another crappy nights sleep,
another terrible start to a most likely
horrible day.

Your families car won't start,
so you have to catch the bus.
You try and catch up on some of
your lost sleep but the losers
on the bus won't shut up.
You ask them to be quiet and
they say. "F*ck you, you stupid
bitch" . Great just something lovely
to hear.

At lunch your friends,
starts screaming at you,
accusing you of sleeping
with her boyfriend, You
tell her that it is impossible.
She calls you a whore and a slut,
and many other obscenities. You
run away crying.

You get home,
you are all alone,
like always at home.
Your friend calls that afternoon,
you think she is going to apologise,
she doesn't just screams at you more.

You slam your mobile onto the hard floor,
and watch as it smashes into so many little pieces.
Grabbing a knife you swipe it across your wrist,
with the precision of a professional. You sink to the floor,
crying not from the pain of the cut,
but from the pain of living.

Later on when your parents come home,
you forget to hide your cut from them,
they see it and freak out. They yell and scream
at you, even at one point call you selfish for
cutting. Don't they realise that you think
it is better to hurt you then to hurt them?!

You go to school,
Your arsehole parents,
have told the teacher,
he eyes you weirdly as you walk into
the classroom.

By lunchtime everyone has
heard that you are a cutter.
The ridicule is immense.
You get shoved, and abused,
called a freak and a weirdo.
You run away, and as you run you can hear
them all taunting, "That's her that's emo girl."
"Look at that hot emo arse run".

That night you cannot take it anymore.
You calmly run the bath,
calmly remove all of your clothing,
and even more calmly immerse your naked
body into the warm water. Then without any regrets,
You grab the knife you bought with you for the occasion.
You starts making deeps cuts on your arms, your legs, your stomach.
You watch the water start to turn red. And then you
wait patiently for death to come, it doesn't leave you waiting long,
you draw your last breath only five minutes after the blood began
to leave your body.

Your parents come home,
your mother checks the answering machine.
It is your boyfriend. "Hey Baby, I'm back in town and I
can't wait to see you, I have missed you so much,
I'll be around in about an hour."

Your parents start looking around the house for you,
they enter the bathroom and scream. Two bodies
are in the room. Your body which were it not for the gashes and
blood, would look so peaceful. And your boyfriends.

He arrived at your house,
he found you and without hesitation
killed himself with the same knife you ended
your own life with. Stabbing it into his stomach and
laying down waiting to die.

You wake up screaming,
sweat and tears pouring down your face.
You call your boyfriend. "Hello?" He answers
sleepily, but he was alive." You hang up.
Lay back down shaking, it was all a nightmare,
your alive,he's alive...just a nightmare, a terrible, horrible