she's all on her own

cuz she's
all on her own
got no one to love
no one thats hers

she wishes day and night
for someone to care
for someone to ask
for someone to just notice
the scars are more than just skin deep

the words that they stand stand for
are engraved into her
cold stone heart

all that she needs
is for someone to care
all that she needs
is for someone to hold
all that she needs
is the love and compassion
that shes never known
she shuts down her heart
she said things that

she knows she could never
really mean
her eyes full of ice
her voice dripping with venom,
but, not at you, not at who she
directs it too, not to the ones that actually
pretend to care

but to the ones who dont give a damn
to the ones who are self absorbed
to anyone but the ones
who she thinks might actually
love. the ones she holds back,
the ones that actually want to know
the ones who know the most
but have never actually been told