Turning Back Time

I wish I could turn back time to a better point,
You’re a kid you make mistakes,
I should have known better,
The clocks, the ticking of their arms,
Just ticking, ticking in my head,
Annoys me much to the point of crazy,
And I don’t know why,
You’ve gone and left me,
I stand here in the rain,
He took you with his charms and money,
To a better life.
You gave him chances he failed you many times,
Yet you return to his embracing arms,
His arms of warmth of care and love,
Yet he’ll just fail you again.
The main mistake of that you made was leaving me behind,
No contact, no phone, no new address,
Just tattered memories and broken frames.
And so as I watch the dust of you blowing in the wind,
I wonder why you left,
Was it money, food, a home?
I provided them and more,
And yet I wonder why I gave you more than one chance.
They told me not to do it,
Not to trust you again,
They were right,
You went ahead and did it again,
Stabbed me in the back,
The second time round was not as painful as the first,
I kind of expected it or worse,
And still it leaves me wondering why you left,
Only wishing to turn back time again.