I Hate You Because...

You can't do this.
It's not fair!
How could you do this?
I thought you said you cared....

I HATE you.
I loathe you.
I despise you.
I resent you.

I hate you because you left me.
You left me here alone.
You shouldn't have abondoned me
Because it was only with you
That I had a home.

I loathe you because you helped me
You lifted me higher.
My world got so amazing then you left...
It got darker.

I despise you for making me happy.
You picked up my broken self
You glued me up together
But never put me on the shelf.

I resent you because you fixed me up
Just to put me away
Apparently you did not care
How you used to brighten my days.

You made me feel complete
You made me whole
But with you gone,
I have lost my soul.

Do you remember
The broken down me?
Or at least, remember all those good times
When you made me happy.

All the time it took you
To fix me up again.
It's because you did that you became
My official blessed sin.

This isn't fair.
This isn't right.
You promised that
You would stay by my side!
How could you go?
How could you leave me
Here... all alone?

You were the one I counted on.
You were the one I desired.
You were the one I adored.
Why'd you turn into a liar?

You were the strongest person
That I would ever know.
And without you near me I'm lost
With nowhere to go.
♠ ♠ ♠
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