
Can you hear me up there?
Do you see me cry at night?
Your death was not fair;
You weren't supposed to go toward the light.

Not a day goes by that I don't think of you.
I wish I hadn't taken for granted your life.
I promise; forgetting you is something I'll never do.
Even so, the pain still cuts like a knife.

I will try to remember only the good times;
I know that's how you'd want it to be.
We always laughted at all your little crimes,
You were an original; on that, we all agree.

I can't tell you that I'll stop crying;
You were too important to me for that.
I smile to myself as I imagine you flying.
Because I know heaven is where you're at.

I'm not quite ready to say goodbye,
So I'm just going to say this:
You were a one-of-a-kind guy,
And you will always be missed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Written in memory of a few different people that I miss.