I'm sorry

I'm sorry Breann

I'm Sorry Lindsay

I'm Sorry Jesse

I'm sorry Savanna

I'm sorry everyone!

Sorry for this hurt i bring you, this sorrow soul! For the pain i have and sadness i put on you! Putting my problems on you, never smart! For hurting you and being in your life!

Breann, these cuts I’ve made have hurt you! The blood that has fallen has broken you! I've made you cry those tears at night and I’m so so sorry dear!

Lindsay, my problems I lay on you is never right! Those words I’ve said cause a fight! I'm sorry for the hurt and pain! And for those tear that caused by me!

Jesse, I'm sorry for being in your life! The pain I’ve brought you and all that is caused by me! I wish you never met me and sorry to say I’ve hurt you in more than one way! I’m sorry can't you see!

Savanna, i've stopped talk to you for a year! It hurt you! So sorry for that and i'm sorry for these scares you've seen! i'm sorry for the pain i've put you threw and this hurt I brought you and these tears you've cryed because of me! I'm sorry, wish you could see.

Everyone, why can't you see I'm not worth having in your life?! I'm a poison, I'm the death in your life's! So leave me and let me rote and die, it will be better for me! I'm sorry everyone but the truth is the truth.

Sorry, goodbye...... </3