Angel of Yours

Angles of Yours
The best relationships
always start to have good friendships.
maybe that's why
when we try to let go we cry.

They are always there
always have the money when we don't have a fare.
He's the one to go to when we need a pen
In the time of projects,they're the handymen.

those walks in the park
or those silly things so we can lark.
Hugs under the sun
talks about your ONE.

We only seldom see
the beauty of God's gift to thee
We are so lucky
That we have someone to txt when we broke up with our baby.

Did you ever have repayed already
That someone whose shoulder's ever ready
for your heart in pain
and hours of cryin?

Have ever thought of giving a birthday bash
to him who's always there for you in a flash?
Or even a simple thank you
for still standing there beside you.

It's better to acknowledge them now
so you'll never regret anything any how.
Friends are a gift from heaven
Treasure them to be never sullen.
♠ ♠ ♠
another intensive project.... comment please :)