In Loving Memory

In this life there are many
Many that leave us forever
Who are we to say immortality means never dying?

They leave us; alone, abandoned
To never come back
Leaving our sad souls stranded

Here, in this hell we call home
Where we wait and suffer
Until our time comes

And we become the unknown
To never come back
And never come home

When our spirits can slowly fade away
The light will vanish and darkness will arise
The world will grow colder
In loving memory of your demise

Living to die; dying to live
No more sentiment, no more laughter
Nothing else to give
Our purpose has been served

Did you get what you deserve?
All in all; the end is nigh
Forget the good times and the bad times
And kill these stupid rhymes
♠ ♠ ♠
In loving memory of Jimmy Sullivan. <3

This is a project type thig for school and he inspired all of it.

Rest in peace Jimmy.