Journal Entry

Good-by chances to aspire, music that inspires, neighbors & friends, dogs barking & birds flying, chances to tell them what you mean, expressing myself, bonding with family, good-by the people who cared but were never noticed, the ones who see everything & act on it, the rich, the poor, good books, educational moments, having fun, embarrassment, silly times, waking up in the morning, boys, guinea pigs, father, mother, Lisa, Daisy Mae, kisses&hugs, chocolate & comforting foods when a boy breaks your heart, iPod, crying into the phone, hot chocolate with big puffy white marshmallows, sitting in front of the electric heater and watching Degrassi, falling asleep on the striped tv room couch that was once Daisy's, Daisy's dog tag, concerts, ATL, Cobra, GCH, FNB, DD, FTSK, soft sweaters, borrowing guys jacket, being alive...
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we had to write a journal entry for english class and this is what i wrote. what we had to say good-by to and what we'd miss once we were gone.