Missy and Me

That's how me & Missy used to be
I don't know her, now she doesn't know me
We don't giggle, we don't talk
Now, I don't even wait when we walk
That's how Missy & Me are right now
I don't know why, I don't know how.
It's happened, it's true. It's so hard to believe.
We're separated, segregated. Me and her, her and me.
She was my first and only friend, at least she used to be.
She moved on, she moved up. She drowned in a sea
of love, of popularity.
Missy & me used to be great friend.
That's all come to an abrupt end.
She's got hers and I've got mine.
I guess this is who she really is. Missy, redefined
I guess I'll miss the way we were.
But if that's how she acts, then I'm so sure
I don't need her, she doesn't need me.
That's her now. Without me, that's Missy.
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