Throne of the Dead

Leers with the charismatic grin, the charismatic grin which took down a nation,
A nation of the damned, the weak and despaired,
The despaired and cast into madness, the glittering jewel of His palace,
The black diamond of ashes where hope and hapiness died,
A part of my soul died, the butterfly within me died on that dreaded night,
The freedom and prosperity and innocence was carved into His throne,
Into the twisted and contorted faces, their hands - now frozen - reach, blind, into the dark,
All the while bones clatter at His feet another breath of life is taken into his lungs,
Another winged, innocent beauty falls never to stop,
Because in His pit the fall is neverending, the Hellish flames are forever,
Not one single halo and Pure wing may pierce the dazzling black diamond,
Remained unscathed by the tender kiss of Joy and Jubilance,
Not engulfed by the flame of passion, but that of hatred, the flames run vivid and black,
They run away from the light because they die in the light,
Then there is you, yourself, Envy, with your crown of glassy eyes, forever staring,
Your golden goblet of blood, the scarlet liquid still stains your hands,
But Envy, in this world, bizzare destruction rains so you shall never be the king of all,
Only the fools, the damned and the weak, the madmen of society,
But not to those who have love bestowed upon them,
Not to those whose heart is pure and whose eyes don't flicker to red each day,
I shall place your head above mine and scream in triumph until tears run across my face,
You have destroyed and corrupted killed and made a mockery of the dead,
Yet I love you for it,
Love you like my saviour, like an Angel whose heart is purest of all,
Because without you, my closest friend and greatest enemy,
Happiness and hope could not exist because then there would be nothing for you to take.