The smile mask

I wear it,
This mask.
Not picture perfect
But it covers just enough.
Like a page three girl without the tits.

There's a smile on my mask.
Not the pretty kind,
The kind that's as fake as cheese string.
You see it,
I'm fine, I say.

I think you can see through it,
Through the holes for my eyes.
But then again,
I've always been a dreamer.
Your life goes on.

The mask is innocent,
But the eyes show I'm sick.
I look and x-ray through your clothes.
Dirty, yes.
But I can't help it.

The mask covers the longing,
That I wish would go away.
You wouldn't risk it.
Not for me.
That would be stupid.

Perhaps I'm dreaming,
But I think you've broken the mask.
You ask me what's the matter,
I say "I'm fine."
You stare disbelieving.

I'm fine, I swear.
You say, "I don't believe you."
I run before you see,
It's you doing this to me.

And the mask?