Let Me Out

My heart hurts
Why does this hurt so bad?
Why am I trapped here?
I just want to get out of my head

Why'd you have to leave me again?
I thought things were better
I thought you would stay this time
I thought I could keep you. Forever

But nothing ever works out
The way I want it to
And nothing can be okay
For as long as I still need you

But is that even true?
You're not vital to me
You're just another person
And you're young and naive

So, GOD! Please let me out
Just let me forget
But, I guess I can't ask for that
Not this soon. Not just yet.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have a problem. During the interview, when he asked me what sort of work I was interested in doing, I said stocking, later realizing how ironic that was.