Splendidly Decieved

Remember every time they told you lies?
When they'd smile and say everything will be okay,
When they said failure was a small percentage of tries,
And you believed every word they’d say…

When they said they’d always know what to do,
And you’ll grow up ready to face anything,
They said they’ll always protect you,
Because you didn’t know all the pain this world brings…

You’d play childish games without a care,
Everyone was your friend
And you thought that life was fun and fair
But it’s not true in the end …

You thought drugs just helped us get well
And getting high met swinging on the swing set
When we only got scrapped knees when we fell,
And hurtful things were so easy to forget …

When they said you’ll understand soon,
And you thought cutting only meant going a head in line,
The only crime you knew was on morning cartoons,
And you could honestly say you were fine…

Remember when hurtful words weren’t used,
And you could make anyone smile,
You knew nothing of war or being abused,
But the façade only lived a short while…

They told you to keep your head high,
And no one would hurt you,
Someday you’ll touch the sky,
But was any of this true?

They said you’ll always have a brighter tomorrow,
And people will always care,
They’ll bring you happiness to replace sorrow,
And your family will always be there…

Awaking to a realistic view,
We finally see life for what it is,
And we understand what they tried to do,
And we’ll always thank them for this…

But now we’re older and found the truth on our own,
Still we’ll always cherish those times together,
Even though we now stand alone,
We learned goodbye sometimes means forever…

Until we finally opened our eyes,
To a different world than we had perceived,
The darkness is no longer alight with lies,
We, who were so young, were splendidly deceived.