
Even though days go on
I Stop
To think and Wonder

I wonder where are you?
Where’s the one who loved me?
Where’s the one who cared for me?
Where’s the one who promised?

He’s gone
He left a while ago
With a bag over his shoulder

And yes your still standing here
but your not him
You’ve changed your not here

I miss the real you
The one who would do anything
The one who was there

He’s gone
He left a while ago
With a bag over his shoulder

Yes I still see you
every now and then
if I ask, If I plead

But even when I ask and plead
It’s like i’m a burden
I’m not wanted
But the old you would want me
The old you is wanted

He’s gone
He left a while ago
With a bag over his shoulder

Sometimes I wonder
what’s in that bag
Was it good, or bad?

Was it memories?
Was it good times,
Maybe bad?
Was it that promise you made?

I hope it is
I wish it is

Because if it is
I plead,
Open that bag
Remember where it came from.

I know it was bad
All that we’ve been threw
But to you, it’s gone

To me
I’m still here
living it

Your gone
You left a while ago
With a bag over your shoulder

Remember where you came from
♠ ♠ ♠
Please comment and let me know, it's suppose to sound like a letter