
Every time I think about him I smile.
Every time I know I’m going to see him I feel a mix of nervousness and excitement.
Every time I talk to him I believe that I’m being heard and understood.
Every time I need that shoulder to cry on he’s always a phone call away.
Every time he holds me I feel safe and protected.
Every time we kiss I get butterflies and feel light headed.
Every time I catch him staring at me I feel noticed and alive.
Every time he looks me in the eyes I feel like I can trust him with my heart and he’ll be gentle with it.
Every time he reads this he’ll know I’m talking about him and knows how much he means to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I will be editing and re-posting this, so please send me your feed back. I want this poem to be perfect so please help me out! Thanks.