
---Before you read this just know that i dont really write poems so give your honest opinion and it really does have meaning you just have to think in a different perspective and outside of the box, anything you dont get please ask! You really do have to know me to get some of the things that i mean---
Taking life from me beneath,
Making me no longer believe.
People wonder why I stop and don’t speak,
It’s because everything I say seems to leek.
Why do I keep being deceived and
No one trusts me to relieve.
But when I finally ask for help,
All they can do is scream and yelp.

The good things that are always done
Only have just begun.
When I become mad you will see why
I keep crying about
You and I.
Ask me again about the future,
And I will keep telling you all I will do is suture.

Do you think that what you do
Is really helping us two?
It isn’t it makes me wonder,
Why heck are you not a good lover.
!!!THE END!!!