Cold Streets

The streets seem different without your best friend by your side. Almost colder, like the light, that warmth that once existed had vanished. Maybe because they were the ones who brought light to the narrow dusty streets you walk now. Alone is always colder, and scarier. With your best friend you’re invincible. No scary monsters can get you when your best friend is there to fight with you, now it seems like all the monsters come out to play.

You try to ignore them, to find the light that these streets once held. But it’s like chasing a rainbow, there is no end and eventually you just have to give up. It’s not easy to give up, it’s not easy to accept that these once warms streets will now forever be cold to you. But you can always try.

Some day you find a new best friend, one to make the streets light again. But it’s not the same light your old friend brought. It’s a different light, one that seems to make the street appear pretty then it actually is. The light they bring seems to disguise the fading paint and the bars on the window. Unlike the light you were once used to that seemed to make you think you were in the middle of a fairytale just waiting for your prince.

There will eventually come a day when you leave the streets that claimed your first best friend and first light. A day when you’ll forget what the first light felt like. You won’t forget the person; the monsters that took them make sure of that. But you’ll forget how the light made you sometimes feel like a princess trapped in the wrong country, the wrong city, the wrong street, the wrong family. Instead the new light will be your guide. The new light that made everything just not seem as bad.