New love

Why do your eyes speak to me every time I look into them? Why am I speechless in front of you? Why do my hands feel clammy? I am in love with you but our love can never be. You don’t like me that way. You only think of us as friends. My heart breaks when you tell me. I nod and smile trying to appear calm but inside a storm is brewing. I have been rejected. Thrown away like last week’s tuna. Our love can never be. I am full of sadness, gloomy as an angry storm cloud. You walk away and I feel my eyes filling up with tears. I go about my day as normal trying to forget about you. Then someone else comes along and steals my breath away. He likes me that way. We begin to date and the sadness goes away. I am so happy. We are still friends but that is all we’ll ever be. I forget about the hurt I’ve felt and go on with my life.