Stranger, if I may call you that.

I'm trying not to think,
as I look over pictures of you that shouldn't be in my hands.
I'm trying to hold back tears,
the tears meant for you, the ones you could never wipe away.
I'm trying so hard to keep myself from drowning,
drowning in memories you never knew existed.

I mean nothing to you,
I'm another faceless soul, roaming along with others.
So why do I grieve over what may have become of you?
Why do my worrisome eyes scan over your photographs,
looking for an answer?
Why do I pray with all my heart, to the one who may not be,
why do I pray for you?
Why do I hold a place for you in me,
when I'm nothing but another face you wish to never see?

You threw it all away, all that kept you alive.
You searched for answers in the thick, endless fog.
You hid.
Hid from mistakes, hid from the troublesome thoughts keeping you awake at nights.
I sit here, remembering you in a way that makes no sense.
For I did not know you anymore than you knew me.