
I'll tell myself to hate you
for the pain you've caused me
I'll tell myself to let you go
so one day you may see.
My heart still longs to touch you
but I will not let you in
I will not fall twice
you won't win.
Because I hate feeling guilty
for the mistake I made.
I'll give up waiting
for you to apologize
cause I know, you showed me
that I'm just wasting my time.
It's not my fault
it is you who I dispise.
Everything you are and wanted
I longed to be a part of
but now I'm not so sure
What I saw in you,
You're not worth the battle.
I'll admit you played cat so cleverly
the spider who spun me all that love.
My heart had faultered
My mind had numbed
some how you became my one and only,
When I caught a glimpse of you
I went weak all over.
Your touch had tingled
and you smelled of magic
but who knew?
That someone like you
could rob my soul
then crush it in the plams of your hands
and the beautiful words, the tone of your voice
could really sting so hard.