
I'll build a fence,
It only makes sense.
It's to keep you out,
This fence I'm talking about.

It streches as far as the eye can see,
And it's the place I'll most likely be.
You can't get over or around it.
You can't get under or through it.

It'll be invisible,
Isn't that sensilbe?
You won't know it's there,
Honestly, it's everywhere.

It's between you and me,
That's the only place it can be.
I won't tear it down, it's too thick,
Maybe I pull it down, brick by brick.

It will last until I die,
And everyone can pass it by.
Don't be so dense.
Don't try to get past my fence.
♠ ♠ ♠
We were talking about "Mending Wall" by Robert Frost in English class today, so....yeah, random thing that popped into my head.