The Rain

There’s nothing like it. The smell after a summer storm. But what’s better, is the feeling after walking through a summer storm.
When everyone else is inside hiding from the bright flashes of lightening and the loud rumbles of thunder that follow, I find my escape. I walk the well worn streets alone, no inquisitive eyes to see me, no one to judge me.
As the rain hits my skin I feel it clean my soul. Washing away my past, my future, my memories, my fears, until I’m nothing but an empty vessel. With a deep breath, I even forget my name. The rain starts to let up until it’s just a drizzle. I slowly come back, clinging to my nothingness. Then there is a slam of a door, someone noticed me. The spell is broken, I exist again.
I walk home and get in side the door just as the down poor starts up again. I want to go back out but I know that it won’t be the same. Others may brave the storm now. I settle myself to watch from the window instead. A flash of lightening illuminates the view from my window. I don’t see anyone out, but I know that my sanctuary is gone. It’s been popped like a bubble by those intruding eyes. The ones I went out there to escape. I feel them on me. Constantly on me watching everything I do. I settle back into my self completely. I feel my life stifle me. Everything is normal again.
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Not really a poem, but just something I wrote.