
copyright 2007 to kayla

When I write, I don't think.
I think in the car, speeding past a red light
Or flying over the sticky summer tar.
I think at night, when everything is still
and the beating of your heart is all you hear.

When I write, I do it anywhere if I need to,
Under the covers in a frantic, or out watching the balcony sunset.
But no matter how romantic,
My hands strain with a pen
And my ears will always long for some musical familiarity.

When I write, I prefer to do it in my room.
Windows thrown open, and speakers blaring,
I write late at night, and sometimes in the early morning,
But never when people are in the house
Except for my dog, because he makes for the best company.

When I write, I can't do anything else but
write. I write prose mainly,
About things or people I know, or want to.
Poetry when I can't string sentences together
(or when I just can't be bothered).

When I write, I write out what I want.
They say that “Writing
is the most dangerous form of wishful thinking.”
I beg to differ, but even if it's true,
I'm careful of what I wish for.

And when I write, I enjoy myself.
That's all that really matters.