Bored in Class, Free in Mind

I'm sitting in class, bored out of my head
It's getting so bad that I wish I was dead
Haha, I'm just kidding, I don't really wish that
Death is so permanent; life's where it's at!

All joking aside, let me out of this room!
My day's being wasted; my time, consumed
My teacher drones on and on and on...
How can anyone talk about nothing so long?

That's it! It's too much! I can't take any more!
I leap out of my seat and sprint out the door.
I did it! It's over! I'm finally free!
I can go where I want and do what I please!

But wait... What's that sound? A buzz? A screech?
I try to understand, comprehension beyond reach
And then it makes sense; it all becomes clear
I never left the room; I'm still stuck right here

I simply dozed off, it was all just a dream
And to make matters worse, everyone's looking at me
"Umm... Are you alright, is everything OK?"
I hear my teacher sarcastically say

"Yeah, I am now," I mumble in reply
It's back to reality, I think with a sigh
I blink my eyes twice, run my hand through my hair
I look out the window and wish I was there

I shut my eyes tight and picture the trees
I imagine the rocks, the fields, the breeze
Even in class I can smile with glee
Because in my mind, I am totally free