Definitions Define All

"Perfect" can someone please define this word for me?
I haven't a clue what it means.
But yet it still pops out at me-
Always popping, from all over.

Perfect, Perfect, you say I should be this.
You imply it constantly,
But I don't understand what is expected of me.

"Freak" can someone define this for me.
I have no clue to what it means.
But I always hear its sound,
echoeing all around.

Freak, Freak, you say this is what I am.
But how can I stop that.
When I can't even, won't even realize what is being done.

"Smart" can someone please define this word.
What makes you this?
How can I become it?
Letters on a paper is the only thing I 've been taught it means.
But I am sure that is untrue.

Smart, Smart you expect I am this,
Or will become.
That my brain will grow,
Oh, how am I to know.

"Happy" come on tell me what it means.
What is it I am searching for?
Define this word.

Happy, Happy how do you find it?
And why is it hiding?
How do I keep a smile on my face?

"Life," "Living"--- To live what does that mean?
Can we grab one part of life and sieze?

Is life perfect, or happy?
In it are you a freak or smart?

In this "life" one may never know.
But I can try to define,
define life, define all
Before they define me.