
Holy shit, it's you,
Walking into my room.
This wont be good, I know for sure.
Instead of a, "Hi, how are you?"
It ends up being a, "WHAT THE HELL'S WRONG WITH YOU?"
When Im around you,
I always get in shit.
When I try to stay away,
I still hear it all.
I can never get away from you.
All The words you've said,
Haunt me till this day.
Your, "You'll never make it,"
"You'll never be good enough,"
And, "Why can't you be more like me?"
My confidence, ripped apart.
My dreams, shredded to pieces.
All because of one person,
I hide away my feelings,
So that you don't see,
How much you're messing with my head.
Because once you've discovered how to hurt me,
You'll keep doing it, until I turn into one of you.
I don't want to be like you; good and safe.
I want to be myself; rebellious, fun, and dangerous.
I don't care if you don't like this,
It's the way I want to be.
And if you can't accept it,
Well then, you obviously don't accept me.