Ropes that tie, the ropes that bind.

Provoke: I'll provide the situation, you provide the words.
Disinter the secrets in the back of the church come midnight.
Try to believe in forgetting and forgiveness.
You can't, can you?

I learned a while back to never expect much, to want nothing in return;
Now that I think back to it, that's what I received.
Your once fragile composure was shattered in my dreams,
Turns out when I woke up, that's just what seemed to be.

You've got forgetting to a down pat,
Just pretend we never had those laughs together.
It's a safe bet that you'll forget you once were all to make me smile:
I lived for you, and you saved me from who I would have been,
but we'll forget that just like the last time we took a breath.

Tell me; did you live for me?
Did you breathe in hopes you'd make me happy?
This dream isn't shaping up to be what I thought it was,
Confess, on your end did you ever call it love,
Or was I just another photograph in that memory box?