Viva la Vida

You could run,
Disappear and fade away.
Find a better life far from here
To leave the harsh reality
Because you didn’t feel like fighting anymore
They say the hardest part of living
Is just taking breath to stay
To live on just one more day
And allow all that is around you to crush your soul
You think you wouldn’t be missed?
You allow yourself to think that no one cares.
But the one who truly doesn’t
Is You

When we chose to live
We enter a battle;
The war for Existence
It’s hard to find allies
But even harder to trust them

If you say let me escape
The battle is lost
And you were the weak
The warrior who destroyed himself

We all must learn to fight
To defend our life
Against those who seek to destroy
And push us off the cliff

So I ask you, please
Use the destroyers to make yourself
The strongest warrior
If you must run
Do so at the enemy
And free those at the cliff
Bring them back
For Death Is Not The Escape
It Is For The Weak
Though Strength Does Not Come From Life
But Rather From Living

>(>_>)># look i have a waffle! if you comment ill give u the waffle. come on! u know you want it!!! wow i sound so desperate.... ah well! comment if you love me :) if you dont too