
Could you please say it again?
‘cause I’m not sure I agree
Could you rephrase it again?
It sounds like you’re asking me

To change how I think
How I speak, how I breathe
How can you take that away
What will be left of me?

You’ve got your own life to live
So please stop trying again
You’ve got more mistakes to make
Before you come to the end

I knew if I didn’t love you so much
I wouldn’t love you at all
Our words clash and contrast
Our plans smash, they fall

You see the world as you do
I see it different each day
I take a smile and abuse it
You seem to wish them away

All the noise, all the fun
You think won’t help me grow up
But the work and the plans
Have left my thoughts fucked up

I wanna live in the moment
And stress about something
Real. Not work towards breathing
And air that consists of nothing

Dull, damn boring days
And hell waking up
Nothing to hold to
Never feeling enough