I Am

I am an intelligent brunette, who people rarely notice.
I wonder if one day the world will become one.
I hear the soft whisperings of people long gone from the world.
I see the dreams of the world floating up to the heavens.
I am an intelligent brunette, who people rarely notice.

I pretend that I am a missing part of a historical event.
I feel life slipping away from me every second of the day.
I touch a shooting star that soars above my head, dreams, hopes and life all too quickly for me to actually make a wish.
I worry that the future only brings more pain and suffering to my family, another thing they don’t need.
I cry for the abused children and animals of the world, feeling their pain and suffering seeping deep into my bones.
I am an intelligent brunette, who people rarely notice.

I understand that in order for things to get better, they must first become worse.
I say that the world must stop all wars and help one another.
I dream of watching my brother, sister and young cousins succeeding at whatever they choose to do.
I try not to become just another person on this Earth, but stand out and help the world.
I hope that one day I may change the world with my words, actions, and life.
I am an intelligent brunette, who people rarely notice.